Sylvia 53/2017


Paclík M.: Editorial PDF 25 kB, pp. 3
Kubelka V.: Application of the MacKinnon lists technique under conditions of the Central Europe PDF 430 kB, pp. 4–20
Jaška P. & Řepa P.: Breeding of the Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiaca) in the Czech Republic in 2006–2016 and a detailed analysis of its occurrence in the Karlovy Vary and Plzeň regions PDF 807 kB, pp. 21–40
Kopij G.: Breeding densities of woodpeckers (Picinae) in the inner and outer zones of a Central European city PDF 1.8 MB, pp. 41–57
Vlček J. & Peške L.: Spatial activity of a juvenile Corncrake (Crex crex) at the breeding site in the Šumava Mts. PDF 2.4 MB, pp. 58–64
Jasso L.: House Martin (Delichon urbicum) preyed by a Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) PDF 1.8 MB, pp. 65-69
Vavřík M. & FK ČSO: Rare birds in the Czech Republic in 2016 PDF 3.2 MB, pp. 70–89
Book reviews PDF 52 kB, pp. 90–91
Corrigendum PDF 380 kB, pp. 92